Sunday, April 29, 2012

Facebook Funnies

The rise in popularity of Facebook has had numerous results, some negative and some positive. Now that everyone from your teenage daughter to your senior citizen father to the guy at the hardware store has a profile, you end up knowing some details about their lives that you might not wish you'd discovered! Of course, Facebook also catches us up with those we've unfortunately lost touch with. Because of the highly social and informal nature of the social networking site, it's no wonder that jokes about Facebook are growing in number. Here are a few types of these jokes listed and discussed. You might even find a new joke to post as your status!

Addiction Jokes

One highly popular subset of Facebook jokes is that category concerning how to tell if one is addicted to the site or not. Usually, there's a list of signs, many of them drawn from users' real experiences. Whether the conversation happens via wall posts or a group, people love to add in their own ways to tell if someone's addicted to using Facebook. While some of these are more serious (you check your profile and news feed more than once an hour), others are more absurd (you visit sites that list ways to determine if you're addicted to Facebook).

Status Laughs

Let's face it-the status message can be used for all manners of things. Though sometimes oversharing of information is unintentionally hilarious, a lot of status messages are intentionally devoted to jokes. Furthermore, a large percentage of those are gags about Facebook itself. Humorous statuses are often the most popular, and since everyone's already in on this social site, poking a bit of fun at it makes for a good time for all. One highly popular status joke about Facebook is when a user claims that he or she wishes to start a new profile under the name "Nobody." Then, when another person writes something that isn't exactly intelligent or nice, the original user can like the posting. That way, Facebook proclaims that Nobody likes this.

Off The Web Jests

Even though it may seem that we're all online all the time now, the truth is that we still have lives offline. That being said, even late night comedians are making jokes about Facebook. For example, Jimmy Fallon once remarked that he'd heard that Facebook was developing a new cell phone. He claimed that it was pretty good, but it only allowed a user to call people he or she barely remembered from high school. Even to the famous, Facebook is an experience most of us share, so naturally they'll mine it for laughs!

For more information on jokes about Facebook and Facebook jokes visit our website



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