Saturday, April 28, 2012

Funny Jokes: Hilarious And Good For You, Too!

People say that laughter is the best medicine. Truer words have never been spoken. Laughter has a way of being almost magical. It can immediately change a person's mood, it can break the ice in an awkward situation, it can pretty much be used as a positive tool in almost any situation. If laughter is therapeutic, then funny jokes are one prescription that anyone should be able to prescribe.

Telling a funny joke is one of the oldest, best ways in the world to lighten the mood. Getting people laughing does many things on both a surface level and at a deeper level than most people realize. There are mental, physical, and social benefits to laughter and hearing a good joke can trigger all of these benefits in a person.

Mentally, laughter has many benefits. One of the most important benefits of laughter for both the teller of the joke and the person receiving the joke is the removal of anxiety and fear. If a person is in an awkward or otherwise bad situation, they can put up a defensive wall. If this happens, it can be hard to break through to them. This wall can ruin so many different types of interactions between that person and other people. Telling a joke can crumble the metal wall the person has put up. In addition, laughter in and of itself can improve a person's mood and add joy and zest to their otherwise boring or mundane day.

Socially, the ability to laugh gives us a heads up that a lot of people will never have if they are serious all the time. Most importantly, laughter strengthens relationships. A sense of humor is a very attractive quality in a person and when used properly, it can draw people together. These don't necessarily have to be romantic relationships, either. Laughter helps coworkers, friends, family, or even new acquaintances form a bond. In addition, laughter can also provide an outlet to defuse conflict. When people are in a heated conflict, breaking the status quo and getting them to laugh with each other can make them even forget why they were arguing to begin with.

Lastly, laughter has physical benefits. While it may be hard to believe, laughter even helps a person physically. Most importantly, laughter reduces stress hormones and it relaxes the body. Laughter has been proven to reduce hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can have a soothing, calming effect on a person. In addition, laughter, through the reduction of stress, can do things like lower blood pressure and even increase alertness, creativity, and memory. It is important to remember exactly how useful a good laugh can be from time to time.

To get your fix of funny jokes online please visit this link!



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