Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Humorous Speakers - The End Of The World Is At Hand, Maybe!

Well, maybe the end is near...and maybe it ain't. Fact is, nobody really knows. Surely not me. And I don't believe anybody else does either. I don't believe we're supposed to know.

Why, ever since Bible days, folks have been declaring that the last days are at hand. Didn't the Apostle Paul believe that he was living in the last days?

Seems like every time there's a major event somewhere in the world, fanatical folks start bellowing and squawking about he end of the world. They say it's prophecy. It's in The Bible.

You just let a volcano erupt some place and start spewing fire and brimstone...or a new comet appear off in the distant sky...and see what happens. It brings out the nut cases like buzzards to a road kill. Yes sir.

Now, I don't mean to cast doubt on what The Scriptures say. Not me. No sir. Who am I to go challenging stuff that was written thousands of years ago? After all, I weren't around in those days. If I was, I don't remember it.

I just try to keep my nose clean and worry about what's going on in my own life today. I get down on m knees and pray every morning for the Good Lord to help me make it through another one. I ask for His help. And I ask Him to put me in touch with somebody I can help. I try to leave my mark, in a positive way, on everybody I come in contact with.

I try not to complain, whine, bellyache, moan, groan, or sing the blues. I do my best to maintain a positive mental attitude at all times. I try to be honest in everything I do. I try to treat folks the way I want to be treated. I don't blame other folks for my own problems or setbacks.

I try to always give more than what I'm paid for. I thank folks for a job well done. I don't look to get something for nothing. I don't mind paying a fair price for the goods and services I receive.

I try to never lie, cheat or sass old folks (unless it's absolutely necessary).

What I'm trying to say is this: We really should live each and every day as if it actually is the last one...even thought it probably ain't!

Get FREE ACCESS to more Milton Crabapple humor at http://www.MiltonCrabapple.com. Book Milton to speak at your next banquet, convention or luncheon!

Get FREE ACCESS to more Milton Crabapple humor at http://www.miltoncrabapple.com/. One of America's funniest humorous speakers. Book Milton to speak at your next banquet, convention or luncheon!



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