Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just About Everybody In the Entire World Has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

I attended a presentation on an emerging new diagnosis: VICARIOUS PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The speaker discussed her research on this diagnosis being considered for the DSM IV. The DSM stands for The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. The DSM is the "Bible" for determining medical diagnoses for mental illness, and the "IV" is the Roman Numeral for the 4th edition, because the medical establishment requires more than lowly numbers, like 1,2,3,4, etc., for there to be status associated with their work, oops "profession".If the new diagnosis of Vicarious PTSD were to be put into effect, then all doctors, and anyone having anything to do with LISTENING, or even READING, etc., about the trauma of others could be emotionally damaged so much that they, themselves, could be considered having had the experiences VICARIOUSLY and, as a result, they too would qualify for disability, the same as their patient! Naturally, if this new diagnosis is put into effect, there may be an increase in disability claims by the medical profession. So I say in order to "beat them to it" submit claims now!
Even better than to qualify for VICARIOUS PTSD, though, is to become aware that instead of having secondary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, we all, or mostly all, have PRIMARY PTSD because our parents spanked us! This spanking caused us all such trauma terror that we are ALL (or almost all of us) are without responsibility for our future actions and/or conduct! Come to think of it, perhaps the spanking all started with the doctor who spanked us when we were born and it is this that begins our life trauma. Perhaps we all need to file a class action suit against all doctors, or use that as a back-up in case there are zero disability funds left when everyone files for disability, when unemployment finally runs out, and there are zero jobs to be had, zero funds, left and/or we are turned down for loans to attend university, college, etc., and when or if, our credit runs out.
Another alternative might be for us all to attempt to return to our infancy as adults, and "re-do" it, sort of like the movie "Ground-Hog Day". We could in our imaginations go back to that very first spanking incident. We could "re-create it until we "get it right". For instance we could imagine ourselves with infant voices saying, as soon as we are picked up and about to be spanked: "Dr., if you spank me, I will sue you!
B. Todish can be reached at Consider visiting, scroll down to "Listen to Barbara Todish here" especially Humanity 102, Humanity 103 for additional information on Vicarious PTSD, etc.
View the original article here

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