Monday, February 27, 2012

Misunderstood Monsters of Halloweens Past

I was reflecting just the other day about the scary movies I use to watch as a kid. The movies that made all the girls scream and snuggle up a little closer.Those movies, those monsters could never exist today due to all the education we now have, the acceptance we now have and the wonder drugs that are out there. Even the government has regulations and agencies that would not allow monsters.!
Let's review some of the fallacies:
1) Frankenstein--a monster? Heck no! Frank was just a guy who was 'olive" in complexion, badly in need of orthodics and opted for "low" ear piercing on the side of his neck. No big deal!
2) The Mummy-a monster? No way! Now mind you he wasn't wound to tight but 2-3 sessions with Dr. Phil and all his problems would be gone and he would normal as the rest of us!
3) Dracula-a monster? Wrong again. Dracula was an early day alternative phlebotomist who was not understood or accepted by the medical community.
4) Hunch Back of Notre Dame- a monster? Nope! Laura Gowen or Joe O'Brien at the National Scoliosis Foundation would have found the right doctors, the right resources for the "Hunch Back" and perhaps a proper brace to be a big help to him right away.
5) Wolfman- a monster? Not according to the National Wildlife Foundation! Just a specie of wolf with a split personality indigenous to the Saturday afternoon matinee big screen that should not be mistaken for it's basketball playing related specie.
6) Swamp Thing AKA Wild Thing You Make My Heart Sing-a monster? Anything that makes you "heart sing' can't be a monster. Can it? The EPA has investigators trying to explain this "thing" and has assured America the oil spill has nothing to do with this creature. The EPA goes on to remind us if we had been and will be "more green" people like "Swampy" would never be singled out.
7)Elvira, Mistress of the Dark- a monster? Teen age boys of years gone by men and many men could only wish! Hubba, hubba is all we need to say. Many believe Elvira was the first sex therapist on TV opening the doors for Dr. Drew and Dr. Ruth.
Well after all that analyzing, the monsters may all be gone but Halloween is still here enjoyed by children and adults each and every year.
Be politically correct but still enjoy the monsters of Halloween past!
Doug Evans is a business/life coach who has helped many people locate where they are "stuck" and move in the direction of their dreams. Doug is available to work with individuals, small groups or corporate staff. Watch for his speaking schedule in your area. Reestablishing dreaming, goal setting, goal accomplishment, master minding, marketing and embracing change all are favorite topics to speak on or help with.
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